I feel like ''I don't know'' has just been the theme of my life lately. Especially the theme of my prayers.
Maybe its denial.
Maybe its fear.
Maybe its normal.
Maybe its God showing me I really don't know and that's really okay.
Cuz do I really want to know? Yes. I do in many cases, and yet in many cases its more freeing to truly not know.
So friend, I dont know how you are finding this life lately. I don't know what you are secretly desiring... wanting to hear... hoping/praying for. But I understand the "I don't know" kind of reply to so much...
This note isn't gonna be tied in a bow cuz I don't know how I would even attempt such. I think we try to tie things up in bows way to much. Lets just let it be what it is.
But I do have one more thought,
There is so much we don't know, but we do know our Father. And maybe thats all we need to know. Maybe our prayers could be focused on Who does know instead of repeating our unknowns. Maybe ''I don't know''s teach us way more then we ever will realize.
Honestly. Besides knowing Jesus, what else do we need to know?
