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I love plaid print and porch swings

I love my mama’s blueberry pancakes. I love flared skirts. I love a cloudless sky but I also love when clouds get all tangled up in a sunset and create a masterpiece. I love the music of water dancing over rocks in a creek. I love when it takes three times as long to tell a story cuz the teller’s words are wrapped up in uncontrollable laughter. I love sitting on countertops, on roofs, on the floor and on porch swings.

I love making cinnamon rolls. I love when people talk to animals. I love side aches from laughing so hard. I love leftovers, cowboy boots, and americanos. I love being alone. I love holding newborns. I love hearing stories of how people met. I love watching people reunite and the uncontainable joy.

I love plaid print, quotes, and comfortable silences. I love staring up into the sky at night. I love a mess as much as I love organization. I love hoods on jackets and pockets in dresses.

I love cancelled plans. I love quietness. I love a hot drink cupped in my hands. I love shopping online. I love the smell of a horse. I love hearing the crunch of snow under my feet. I love a crisp breeze. I love feeling the sun sink into my skin. I love the nature of an old farm dog as much as I love the untamable excitement of a puppy.

I love wood accents. I love campfires, rainy days, and thrift stores. I love spontaneous stuff as much as I love planning. I love deep conversations just as much as I love goofiness. I love randomly receiving 10 minute audios. I love sitting on a couch in a room full of people and I love being quiet in those moments and just listening to everyone’s comments.

I love seeing an elderly couple grocery shopping together. I love making coffee for people. I love when people feel like home. I love sleeping under the stars. I love sleeping on a road trip. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I love discovering new blogs to follow.

I love french-fries, decluttering, and surprises. I love watching a kitten play with a leaf. I love when pets have vivid personalities. I love old homesteads. I love how a lake silently reflects the moon's light at 10pm. I love hopping onto heated seats in winter. I love driving stick shift.

I love glasses of cold milk. I love staircases. I love flowers bravely growing from the cracks in the sidewalks. I love people who rest their weary head on my shoulder. I love driving in the mountains. I love when people type in caps.

I love how fun this article was to write.

What do you love?❤️

•••idea borrowed from author Anjuli Paschall


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