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its real life

last weekend of january we enjoyed a road trip out to ohio to see austin and tiff and be at their reception. oh what a joy. it was short and packed and i don't even know what to say about it. there was screeching and happy jumps when tiff and i were reunited. and i got to meet this man shes talks about and i simply smile at seeing her so happy and their humour is the same and it's low key comedy to hang out with them. tiff is one of those friends that no matter how much you talk, there is always oodles more of things to hash out and the conversation is at warp speed and you always feel so filled up after being with her. 

the night we came home, the flu bug visited us and it was not pleasant. so couple days afterwards, we gradually get the stomachs back in shape as we unenthusiastically pick at soup and overdose on toast and pop advil. 

there has been some delightfully warm days and we spend supper outside on the back patio and its quite nice.

a bookcase and a night stand arrived in the mail:) and styling a bookcase takes art and time and it endures a daily critiquing.

yesterday i gouged open my big toe on the oven drawer. it was deep. or so my dramatic brain thought so. so, there i sit at the kitchen table, with paper towel and blood and the knowledge we have a medicine cabinet that does not house butterfly bandages yet. so what does one do? you can’t run to the store like this. and the husband that is currently on the phone, can't do much from many miles away. so, you text the gramma that once was your house mama who is aware of these sudden pickles we get ourselves into. and they come right over with butterfly bandages and we doctor up the toe and she cleans all the blood i dribbled on the white carpet. bless her heart. and she leaves with a hug. and i just am thankful for those dear folks. 

last night chad and clara and their munchkins arrive for a night stay. they are on their way to the funeral of braden. and in the morning they leave and i see peanut butter on the floor from lil two year old and stuffed hamster is under the shoe rack and children books scattered around, and i just smile at these toddler touches.

we are on the way to the funeral currently, as braden was a friend of caseys. 

and we think of Heaven continually. and keep jotting down gratefuls of earth. while we also read news articles of horror. we wrestle with the mysteries of God. we stand in awe of sunsets. we cry tears of grief and buy more plant pots and try to keep leftovers from going stale. its real life.

courage wished to each soul. we really are all walking each other home.

p.s. this year im doing ann voskamp's monthly joy dares. here is february's, if that sounds fun to you:) tap on picture to read.



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