Early one morning this past week, I curled up in my squeaking, wooden chair at my writing desk. I read in 1 Corthinians. Knowing it was another day at daycare, I prayerfully searched for some sort of inspiration to carry with me throughout the day that stretched before me.
Then I read a verse that popped out at me. “Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough?’’ 1 Corinthians 5:6.
My mind began circling around that simple thought. Maybe it’s like how one tablespoon of pride in my day can rise into a whole batch of ugly dough. Or maybe I hold one tablespoon of anger and it rises into a batch of bitter dough. Or let’s say I selfishly scoop one heaping tablespoon of doubt into my day and it rises into sticky, hopeless dough.
As I journaled about this topic, I thought surely I can relate this to a positive way in my life. If I have just one tablespoon of courage, God can allow it to rise into a courage filled day. Or how one tablespoon of kindness can rise into a kindness packed day. Or maybe one tablespoon of selflessness can rise into a fulfilling day of serving others.
Since lately work has been exceptionally challenging, these thoughts offered me an encouraging boost to start my day. That morning I prayed for just one tablespoon of courage and asked God to please help it rise into a courageous day. I came home after work thankful because I had felt positive all day.
Now for the past couple days, it’s been my prayer to ask for just one tablespoon of courage, kindness, or strength for the day.
Most mornings as I head to work, I feel so weak. Often it seems that the more I pray, the weaker I feel. Even though it would sure be handy, I realize I don’t need a whole picnic basket full of courage to start everyday. I just need God, one tablespoon of courage, and faith that He will allow it to rise like one tablespoon of yeast in one loaf of bread.