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Paws and Prayers

One day he was around.

The next day he was gone.

My precious, cuddly, lovable bundle of grey fur. My kitty. Named Suzie. He was a boy but he got stuck with a girl name because I didn’t quite look hard enough when it was a wee lil babes and I thought it was a female but then all at once I noticed nope, it was a male, but the name was already set in stone and I didn’t want to change it.

So Suzie it was.

He had a rough case of the disgusting thing called distemper. And his eyes often stuck shut by the disgusting thing called eye goop. But I loved that grey kitty, no matter how sick he really was. Whenever I held him he would gently curl his claws around my one finger as if that was his way to hold my hand. He carried a substantial pot belly on him. Quiet and meek was his personality, a meow rarely slipping from his mouth. I often wondered if he was totally okay in the brain because he did some rather peculiar things. But no matter what, Suzie tiptoed into my heart, in his own quiet way. I dearly loved that kitten.

But now he was gone.

For two days.

It was a long two days. It was totally out of the ordinary for him to just disappear like that.

I searched through the bush and peered into every corner in the barn, meanwhile calling for him. But he was nowhere.

Just gone.

I prayed. A whole whopping amount. I asked God to please bring back my Suzie but I also asked that if He didn’t bring her home that He would please help me accept it.

Nighttime fell.

I prayed one more time before climbing into bed. And one more time before drifiting into sleep.

My heart loved that kitty immensely and I missed it just as much as I loved it. I knew his eyes would be securely stuck shut by now so I was convinced Suzie had fallen into the creek and drowned.

The next morning I scooted down the stairs and wung the back door open and peered out, hoping maybe somehow during the night she magically appeared.

But no.

Still no kitty.

And I called again.

No suzie came bounding up the deck.

So I shut the door.

After breakfast, I went upstairs to finish getting ready for the day.

A little while later I hear my mama calling me.

‘’Jera’’ she calls up the stairs.


‘’Come here. I need to show you something.’’

‘’Okay, coming.’’

‘’Actually I'm just coming up there,’’ Mama announced.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

And then I came around my bedroom corner.

And there, in Mama’s arms, was Suzie!

He was alive!!!! And his eyes were open!!!

I shrieked.

And I grabbed that kitty and hugged him so tight.

And I cried.

I was simply and completely thankful.

I just love God. He looked down and heard His daughter’s hundred prayers and brought Suzie to the back door. We serve such an almighty God that He even cares about a lost kitten that is quite sick and doesn’t have many brains. And He brings it home.

So now I got my kitty back and he still wraps his paws around my finger when I hold him and I just realize once again the power of prayers.


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