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the Florida excursion

So a trip report.

Haven't written in awhile. Sometimes writing and I have a weird relationship. At times we struggle getting along. Other times we full out avoid each other like I avoided the lizards in Florida. But then at times I can tolerate writing like I tolerated the lizards. Then I realize this actually isn't so bad, pretty doable honestly.

Never thought I would compare writing to lizards. But that just happened.

Ok. Procrastination complete.

I shall hitch up my big girl panties and write out this trip.

Friday. 4:30 AM finds me tightening my water bottle lid for the fifth time (cuz I have leaky-water-bottle phobia) and hugging ma and pa and driving off the driveway and into town and into the apartments parking lot where I load up the one and only dear aunt Norma. She's 78 yrs young. She and I are planning to go to Rachelle's wedding in Arcadia, Florida. Her grandchild. My childhood friend who I love more than coffee.

With coffee in hand, we drive towards Winnipeg. Two and half hours full of conversation. All goes smoothly with checking in, security, and customs. Upon gate arrival we find a Cartwright family there too, which is fun. I love flying with people I know. The more the merrier.

It's not even 9 AM and with Timmies in hand, Aunt Norma turns to me, "This is my third cup of coffee this morning. I'll talk more than I normally do".

We are making memories.

Flight goes well. The view from an airplane window sometimes can get you into a processing mode. I stare out that window and think about stuff. The clouds resemble the ice build up on a freezer or really lumpy mashed potatoes. I like window seats.

We land in Atlanta and since I had previously asked for wheelchair assistance for the auntie, we are to wait till everyone is off the plane and then someone will come get us.

This happens.

The man that pushes us to the next gate is a young giant gentleman of color, with goofiness overflowing him like unattended yeast dough in a bread pan. One moment into this, I know we are up for a good time.

Aunt Norma in the wheelchair. Some luggage on the cart. Some on her lap. And some in my hands. He's pushing the chair. I'm trucking behind or beside him. We are off.

"Okay you pick the pace." He tells me

I awkwardly attempt a witty reply but in the end it comes out practical, ‘’I'm good with whatever speed.’’

We talk a blue streak. Around corners, through elevators, along walkways, past human masses, the whole way - not a silent moment.

We keep stoozing past the airport trains. At each stop, a multitude is standing around. We keep walking and he keeps commenting loud enough for people to hear, "that train ain't coming back. It's not working. Jesus is coming back, but not that train." And he keeps trucking along, informing everyone they are uselessly waiting.

At first I think he’s joking. Over time though, I look over at him, "Does that train actually not work?" I ask.

"Ya think I wanna be walking all this??? Nah. I would be taking that train if I could."

Oh okay.

"How many miles u walk a day?"

"A few."

"Do you like your job?" He had some funny remark. Which transferred into a discussion about cussing.

He asks where Aunt Norma and I are going… We tell him about the wedding.

"Hopefully it rains on the wedding day. That's a sign of good luck. It washes away the bad spirits. Well ya see it's from the earth ya no."

And then we talk about drinking alcohol

"...Some say drinking can possess u. Well ya see you aren't in your right mind.."

*insert party talk.

I call aunt Norma 'auntie'

A little bit later, he looks over his shoulder at me as we are wiggling through a crowd, "U doing ok niece?"


"I would carry you if I needed to. People think I have muscle. They say 'carry this piano up the stairs.' And then I can't do it. And then they wonder how I can be so big and not have muscle. But I would carry you if you need me to. You just tell me, ok?"

He fist bumps a coworker who is just as delighted to see him. He compliments a random elderly man on his snazzzyyy suit. Afterwards he says he thinks he should wear one. "People wood think I was a secret agent then."

And so on and on the walk and talk continue. I can't recall everything. Half way through it all I half tempt myself to turn on my phone’s recorder for I want to remember every moment of this. Atlanta airport is monstrous. The whole way to the gate, I rotate from laughing at this man’s jokes to subconsciously thanking God for this man, for I don't even wanna think about the trains not working and getting ourselves to the gate in time through this maze.

We arrive at the gate. I run for food. I order savory crepes and smoothies that are called ‘’Peach on the Beach’’ cuz ya no - we are headed to Florida. Gotta get the beachy vibes going.

We board. This flight, the auntie and I are seated together. I get Aunt Norma hooked on some of those airport games you play on the screen in front of you. We start with tic tac toe. Then sudoku. And then she goes onto the game of chess. I skip out on that because chess is not my cup of tea. The flight goes well.

Upon arrival at the Fort Myers airport we shed our Canadian wardrobe. Kara is there to pick us up but it takes us a hot minute to locate each other. Because the auntie and the niece went down the wrong escalator. But speaking of things hot, we step through those rotating doors and a few exclamations are verbalized. The air is hotter than jalapenos.

We drive to Arcadia. We drop Aunt Norma off at the old teacherage and then we head to Orlando's. Kara shows me her cats. Cuz that's important. Then we go quadding through an orange orchard while. Ahead of us, her brother Dallas drives the gator. We then go to his Airbnb to make sure all is ready for the wedding guests that will arrive in a couple hours. Back to the house for supper.

In the evening I take Kara's car over to Rod and Lonnetta’s (Rachelle’s folks). I walk up the back porch and through the screen door, I spot Rachelle’s back towards me. Giddiness gurgles up in me. I pull the screen door open and there, right before my eyes, stands dear Rachelle. We hug like our lives depend on it. They kinda do. I then meet this Alex man I have heard a fair amount about. I approve.

We chill there for a while and then we walk over to the youth deal which is at the yard across from Rod’s place. I am there for 5 minutes maybe when Kaylee, Rachelle’s sister, is like ‘’I want food.’’ I pounce on that idea and so we truck back to their house and munch on oranges and cheese sticks. Back to the youth deal we go. We meet up with other Cartwright people there and also Tyler and Tara and their adorable girl.

When I get back to Kara's car, I realize it does not start. O fooie. But Rachelle is marrying a capable young gentleman who knows how to run booster cables slick as snot and within minutes the car is up and running again and I head back to Orlando's for night.

Saturday. We sleep in. and then head out the door in our beach attire. But halt. The car does not start again. So Kara calls Dallas. We attempt to boost it with some cables Kara has but that's unsuccessful. In this heat, I feel as dead as that battery. We get the tractor involved, hoping we can boost off of it. Dallas arrives. Mundane details summed up - we take Dallas’ car to the beach. Bless his soul.

Beach time. Chill time. Then kara believes it's time to get this friend of hers trying sushi. Which I agree. So bubba tea and sushi is devoured. Now I can cross ‘try sushi’ off the bucket list.

Back at the house we shower and get ready for ball. Go to youth. Then back to the house to get ready for family supper.

Family supper. The family supper, the volleyball games, and the wedding reception will all take place at this massive building I’m gonna refer to as ‘the center.’

Also my dear unit sis Eddie Rose is here too. She is staying at her uncle’s in sarasota. To drive around for the weekend, her uncle donated his 22 year old beige honda accord which is a whole vibe in itself. Eddie says she is kindred spirits with it for they both are 22 years old. They both got vintage souls.

In the evening, I had the privilege of helping Rachelle wrap up last minute details which I enjoyed immensely. With the help of a few other ladies, we made bouquets for the guest book table and the gramma table and such. Then Eddie and Nicole and I run to Walmart for Rachelle requested some necessities. We get them and get back to the car. But then I have to run into Walmart the second time while Eddie and Nicole stay in the car and when I am coming out, I think I am heading back to the right old beige car. But nope. *insert some fast confusion. Come to find out it is sure maybe an old beige car but it is NOT the right old beige car. Oooppss. I then scan the parking lot and I do see the right old beige car coming at me. I run for that car and plop into the front seat while Eddie and Nicole laugh at me the whole way back to the centre.

Back at the centre, one of Rachelle’s previous co teachers and I are finishing up the name tags but really we need to run back to Rod’s house for some supplies so we snatch Rachelle’s lil sister and head back to the house. We finish the name tags at the house. Rachelle calls me and asks me to gather up all the laundry I see in her room and start the washer. Absolutely. Co teacher and lil sister find Rachelle the specific sweater she requested and back to the centre we go.

By 10:00 everyone needs to be out of this centre and so we all depart out of its doors. A few of us youth girls sit in the middle of the parking lot, perhaps in a puddle, and plan what is the next activity. For 10:00 is too early to go home on a Saturday night like this. We decide to run to Wendys. A swarm of other youth girls arrive there too. We sit on the back of a tailgate and eat ice cream. I realise I need flats for serving the brides table the next day so a couple girls and I run to Walmart. Kara and I each get ourselves a pair of flats off the clearance rack for 5 bucks. The cuteness of them is debatable.

We head back to Orlando's. Fort Myers unit is there also for night.

Sunday. The wedding day is upon us. When Rachelle walks into the church doors, I launch myself at her and squish her quite tightly. This is her big day. I am overjoyed for her. I want to celebrate her so well.

I go sit down at my designated spot on the front bench. Dear souls that mean a lot to Rachelle sit in chairs across the aisle. We chat as we fix the tie downs and brush the dust off the shoes and admire this setting. A kleenex box is brought to the front bench. A wedding necessity.

I love weddings. The vibes of it all. The anticipation. The moment the choir walks in and how everyone hushes into reverent quietness. The newness excitement. Then the first pitch of the first song and how all heads turn towards the melody. And our souls settle in for this service. I like it all.

I sit there on the front bench, waiting for the other occupants to come in for it's a little vulnerable up there by oneself. Couple songs later, here comes the bridesmaids, then the couple, then the bestmen, all six together, walking down the shortest church aisle I ever did see. They plunk down. I note Rachelle holding her hankie she had thrifted. I smile. I like that hankies are back in style. The choir keeps rolling our harmony. It's a beautiful setting. I notice tears are shedding from the bench behind me.

Then comes the introduction and then the sermon. During the sermon it was my time to start the tear shedding for those words hit a little close to home. Then the song before the vows - that moment always seems so precious. And then the vows. Seeing my friend, who together we have shared hours on the phone processing this whole season side by side, heart by heart, and now here she is, beside her man, declaring her ‘’I will’’ - it's a surreal feeling where you don't even wanna blink. You just wanna drink in every single split second of this holy moment. It's always a struggle for me to actually keep the eyes closed during those types of prayers. I wanna see every detail. So I look. I see a couple tears trickling down her face. I see the right hands cupped between the minister's powerful hands. I see love.

The amen is said. They are pronounced husband and wife. It happened.

The trio sings and it's beautiful.

The father of the bride shares a few words at the pulpit. ‘’...Alex, you are going to meet many people in your life, for Rachelle will talk to anyone as she travels. She does not know a stranger.’’ That's so accurate. Alex is in for an interesting life.

The traditional procedure happens.

The choir is singing their songs. I lose a bit of my social graces and I lean over and take a good peer at my friend. Theeee most peaceful, happily content, this-is-right look is on her face. Her classic curly dangles curve around her fair, tanned face. Her blue eyes are bright. Her white dress compliments her so well. Her fingers are interlocked with his. It looks good. I lean back to a proper lady-like sitting position. I breathe up a thankful prayer. This is good. God is smiling too, I'm sure.

Then the second last song is approaching and a few giggles are shared among the bridesmaids and the bride. Rachelle lays the hanky to her side on the bench. Then on the second last song, Alex pops up and then Rachelle pops up and off they truck. Into their own life. Together. As hubby and wifey.

After the bridal party has all exited the benches and once again just me, myself, and I are sitting on that bench, I survey the bench. The bridal hankie, snotty kleenexes, and crumbled up programs that were played within the last hour, all are scattered along the bench. That's a messy beautiful.

So everyone is stoozing over to the centre for the reception. Accept Kara and I. We are running across the lawn in heels, hollering for her brother to stop his big ol Ford for Kara's passat has decided it really is tired of running. We get the brother stopped and pile into the front seats while the back seats are stuffed with the Fort Myers unit.

At the centre, I wiggle through the crowd to meet the love birds. I screech as I throw my arms around Rachelle and excited verbal exclamations are pronounced.

this. girl. is. a. WIFE.

I turn to Alex and shake his hand

‘’You got the best wife.’’

He nods his head and smiles.

Okay. Now activate serving bridal table duty. First step - meet the Inman youth man I'm serving with. Show him who Ryan and Jayla are for they also are serving the bride's table. Second step - go to the kitchen and soak in every direction thrown at ya. Third step - action.

Put the roses and greenery on the three layer cheesecake cake.

Repeat mantras to oneself, ‘’don't trip over the extension cords’’ ‘’don't drop the pitcher’’ ‘’look where you are going.’’ ‘’focus.’’

Light candles.

Serving went well. We whipped through the dishes yet too.

Afterwards I am walking out of the kitchen with a slice of cheesecake in my hand, with spoon in my mouth, when I realise the couple has finished the gifts and is finishing up signing the marriage licence.

Oooh. They are about to leave. And I have no ride to get to the send off. Activate frantic search for a ride mode. Rachelle's brother comes to the rescue.

The couple leaves the centre.

With cheesecake still in devouring mode, we drive to the house. But oooh look. the bestmen-bridesmaids car is beckoning us to pull into Dollar General with them. A quick search through that store for window markers is not successful. We stooze to the house.

A very chill send off happens.

So the rest of the afternoon we hang out at Rod and Lonnettas place. A few married cousins appear there too and we all chill in the living room and drink ice water and tell jokes and stories and have goofy talk and have serious talk. Lovely times.

Then Kaylee carts Shana and I around to the houses we need to change at. Then we head to youth.

I call up Eddie and tell her I am ready to be picked up. So she comes and picks me up and we go to McDonalds for supper and then we head to the beach to behold the sun set over the ocean. On the walk back to the car we pass this group of young people singing gospel songs by the beach and it's dark so we sit down in the sand by the sidelines and listen and watch falling stars.

Eddie and I stayed at her uncle's place in Sarasota.

Monday. Sleep in. Breakfast. Go to target. Beach. Partake of books and vitamin d. To a smoothie place for a delicious lunch. Back to another beach. More books and vitamin d. Back to the house for showers and get cleaned up. Then we leave for Hobby Lobby and TJMaxx. Love those stores. Then we meet up with her uncles at Chick fil a. Ooooooo soooo yum. Back at the beach, we sit in the sand. We watched the moon set as the moon watched two girls with messy lives tumble through messy stories and questions and ideas.

Back to the uncle house and crashed. Up by 4:50 to leave for Tampa airport to drop off Eddie Rose. Before the dreadful airport departure, a Starbucks run is important. Yes, Starbucks PSLs are DIVINE. Once Eddie is dropped off, I drive back to the uncle's house as the sun rises. When I get back, I try to sleep but sleep doesn’t want to exist at the moment so I get up and have breakfast and Eddie's aunt gives me a tour of her yard which oozes a hobby for green things. Reminds me of my own dear ma. I leave for Goodwill. Then I go to a cutesy lil organic cafe for lunch and sit by a yellow table outside and it has a lil vibe in itself. Afterwards I head back to the ocean till 1 or so. Walk the shores. Sit in the sand. Drop the car keys in the water. and then I'm in such a panic I grab the keys with the same hand that is holding my phone. Dumb move.

Before I leave the ocean….

I stand here one last time. Inhaling this wonder. Wiggling my toes into the sand a little more. Wondering how I can soak it into my heart any deeper so that I may remember it this vividly. I want to pause time. I want to stay here where I feel so small and life's waves feel so small and God feels so big.

Then back to the house and I clean the bathroom and finish packing up and talk to the auntie till Kara arrives after 2:00 to pick me up to bring me to Tampa airport.

I think we laugh maybe 50 percent of the ride into the city. We stop a cafe downtown and grabbed coffees. There is legit roosters and chickens who just literally live on the streets there. So neat I think. Saw a couple and had a verbal interaction with one.

Then airport we must go. Byes. and I'm off back to Manitoba land.

Okay real talk.

I kinda crashed after the wedding. Late Sunday afternoon, I felt myself slowly entering into this weird head space where I was just done with everything. No matter how much I prayed and used all the mindful tools I know of, I could not get out of this weird mental funk. So that's just where I was at mentally for a couple days. I felt like the word ‘’UGGG.’’

And even though this was supposed to be a killer good time on the beach with the sister from another mister, I kinda was a vibe killer. But bless Eddie's soul. She just puts up with me and all my sadness. Which, after living together at the ranch together, I think we have seen each other in every mood before so if I'm gonna be in a weird spot in life, a unit sister is a pretty safe person to do that with.

Random thoughts I collected…

I've changed my mind on the ocean. I used to think it was over hyped. I used to think I was only a mountain girl.

Nah. Not any more.

The ocean is amazing.

In thin sheets, the waves rolling in. The sound of them lapping against the shore, relentlessly gives off a peaceful feeling that does not know a substitute. The birds scurrying everywhere, dunking their heads into the salt water, stoozing along the shore, singing as they gracefully flap through the sky. The seashells. And if you dig with your toes you may pull up a live sand dollar. Kara taught me that lil intriguing hack. Never before have I held a live sand dollar in my palms. The people all soaking up this beachy experience together, yet in our whole worlds. The sun and its powerful vibes are welcomed and yet cautioned. The breeze picks on the stray hairs. The feet crave to be lulled by the waves as one walks the shores.

And then the sunsets. And moonsets. Are there words that are needed? I don't think so. Honestly an sunset over water creates a magical experience that leaves a person naturally reflecting on the Creator of it all

Ahh. The ocean.

It's therapeutic. It's relaxing. It's breathtaking.

So summary.

Florida is beautiful.

The plants that Manitobans have for indoor plants, Floridians have for yard plants, maybe even could be trees. It's intriguing.

In Florida, there is an abundance of lizards and shooting stars and sweat marks.

In Florida, you are either potentially suffering from a heat stroke or have your arms crossed in front of you as you stand in a frigid building. The sun is high and the thermostat is low. Either your hot or cold - no in between.

In Florida, they own sweaters for wearing when they are indoors.

The traffic is bad there. Everyone honks.

I like all the palm trees.

The trip was lovely and challenging. Overall I think I shed some emotional pain and gained some physical pain. cuz Florida has UV rays of 10.

ok. imma sign off. you take care dear ones

1 comment

1 Comment

Trula Unruh
Trula Unruh
Sep 22, 2023


beach vibes..

there is nothing quite like it.. I SO agree. It’s our ‘go-to’ spot when we hear it calling our names. Your description is not to be out done😘may the memories stick and soothe your soul..

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