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this week's words

so i challenged myself to write a couple lines each day this past week. here's the results.


it's seeing a stream of red vehicle lights

shining a lengthy line 

down the highway,

youth all headed home

at 10:55 on a sunday night.


the cat perfectly perched on my writing desk.

the glow of snow on a tuesday night.

a praise song sweeping through my head every hour.

Jesus. it's all because of You. 

that this world is popping with vibrancy

in mini ways.

and they seem to fill the heart 

in momentous ways. 

Jesus. it's all because of You. 

and i just never ever want to grow numb 

to all Your gifts

tucked amoung daily life.


friends stopping in 

at eleven thursday night

after hockey,

to munch off fridge finds.

and that dumps some courage into the tank 


some days were frustrating days at work.

perhaps cuz the moon was full 

and that can cause lil human bodies

full of unkind manners and musings

and it slyly affects everyone 

and it's just a whole lot of draining things occurring…


I choose to stay present.

I choose to listen.

even if it's about the milk on the counter

or the toes in the cold

or the article on the news. 

someone is talking.

someone needs to be heard. 


out the kitchen window

white moon at its fullest

home in the pale blue sky

and frost sticks 

to the tree sticks

and i wash out my water bottle 

for another day of nurturing tiny humans.


so i'm realising. 

it's absolutely, actually possible

to have a spacious room for grief

and simultaneously 

the soul knows this much light. 

only since when experiencing it

am I open enough to believe it

it's like one hand holds sadness 

and the other joyfulness.

and in between there's a whole lot of gratitude. 

and it's somehow a perplexing balance

that i'm somehow learning to bridge.


i don't understand

how we assume things are so normal

and un-mentionable-worthy

until we see it in

size small

and suddenly its the most cutest thing you ever did see all day.

--thoughts after seeing tiny boot prints in the snow


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