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what is our responsibilty?

It's our responsibility.

It's our responsibility to see the good in everybody. Yes, everybody from the dollarama clerk, to the neighbour, to the border official. And then to speak it if we feel the nudge too. I'm guessing if we are honest with ourselves, we feel that nudge more than we want to admit.

It's our responsibility to make our little world around us happy.

It's our responsibility to care for the souls around us.

We have a responsibility.

I think we tend to forget that we have a responsibility to live out the fruits of the Spirit. We get so caught up in life we forget that we actually are called to live from Joy. From Love - Love Himself. Let's spread joy thicker than we spread raspberry jam on toast. Let's love, whether they are lovable or not.

Let's point out the beauty. Draw it out. Embrace it. Absorb it. Sprinkle it at every chance we get.

‘’Think of yourselves as My expression of attributes…’’ - God Calling book.

Do we realise that? We are His expression of His attributes. Do we live that out?

I don't yet understand the balance between thinking of ourselves and forgetting about ourselves. I like that quote from that book about expressing God’s attributes and yet how much are we to actually dwell on that? The other day in Sunday school one lady said a thought that has stuck to my heart like raw honey. We were talking about worship, what true worship really is. ‘’True worship is when you forget about yourself,’’ she said. How true and how lovely is that.

I know there is a balance between it all. A balance that can only be taught by experience with life and God.

It's been impressive to actually ponder on what our responsibility, as God’s children, is.

When we are surrendered to God, are we naturally an encouragement?

I'm writing this out of a own need in my heart and life.

Let's go spread His joy. every chance you get💛


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