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You are Chosen

One lovely spring morning I set out on a brisk walk. A slight breeze teased my hair. The sunlight spilled through clusters of clouds. With its powerful rays, it refreshed the town.

As I soaked in the morning, I listened to a powerful audio book. The author was expounding about God’s love for us. I drank it all in. Then the author threw out a thought that completely caught me off guard.

‘’God knew about you before He created the earth.’’

Woah. What?

I kept vigorously walking, and even though words still streamed into my ears I wasn't comprehending anything. My mind was no longer on that book. I was deeply pondering if it was honestly true that God knew about each one of us before creation. I didn’t quite believe it. Sure, I knew that He was capable of it, of course. But did God actually plan on me before creation? Did He, the Almighty King of the universe, think of me? Nah… hardly… like me? Really? Maybe I didn’t quite understand the author right, but no, that is what she said… Okay, God, you might just have to show me 'cuz I just don’t quite believe You knew of me before creation?

The following days I thought about this new thought on and off. For my devotions, I was following a Bible reading plan. One morning the verses to read were in Ephesians. After I was done reading my assigned verses, my eyes scanned the rest of the page. At the top of the page, there was a verse that caught my eyes. I read it. I blinked. Then peered at it closer. And read it again. ‘’For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.’’ (Ephesians 1:4)

What? That’s it! Exactly it! There, right In front of me, was the answer to my question. I was chosen before creation! I could hardly believe it. I was delighted!

Since then, I have been pondering and letting the fact sink in that, yes, God really was thinking and planning of me before He did the magical work of creating this stunning world.

Girl, did you realize you were chosen, before creation, to live on this earth? To you this might be a totally normal thought. And you’re thinking right now, ‘’like, really Jera, you didn’t know that?’’ Nope I didn’t. I asked my brother if he knew God was planning him before creation and he casually said yes of course he knew that. So maybe I’m the weird one here. But I really did not even have the slightest bit of idea that God had actually chosen me before he even created this earth.

When I think about being chosen by God, before creation, I feel so deeply loved! It's such a remarkable thought when you actucally reflect on it.

Over six thousand years ago, God had chosen you. He was thinking and planning you. Yes, you! He knew what color of hair you would have, He knew what your favorite flower would be, and He knew if you would crave pickles or hate them. He knew if you would be an introvert or extrovert, or a mixture of both. He knew if you would thoroughly love mornings or groan everytime your alarm rang. He knew which family you would be born into and what kind of relationship you would have with your siblings, or if you would have any siblings. He knew if you enjoy singing your heart out in the shower, how many hairs you had on your head, and if you could touch your nose with your tongue. He was intently planning your life, every delicate and teensy tiny detail. He wanted you as His daughter! He had specifically chosen you to be born and live here on this earth at this exact time. God, the most powerful being ever to exist, desired you to be born. That is all simply insane!

Dear one, never forget you are chosen by God. Now, you have the choice to choose Him and become his daughter. How amazing is that? I'll answer for you - it's beyond amazing.

You are needed on this earth. You are a priceless present. You are chosen.

Quote: ''How cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you too.''

1 Comment

May 31, 2020

Oh Jera! Thanks so much for writing! It's just so amazing that God planned us and loved us before Creation! That is something that I have "known" but not even thot about much. I think all my insecurity problems would vanish if I truly believed this! Thanks for sharing! I want to embrace this! XOXO

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